Event: Stargazing in AlSalmi Desert [2018/12/14]


There’s a good chance for a good meteor shower on Friday 14/12/2018, so we’re heading there if you’re interested. We’ll depart from the parking lot in Saleh Al-Shehab Highschool next to Mishref CO-OP parking lot by 18:30 (6:30 pm) hoping to reach our destination by 20:00 (8:00 pm). If you’ve done this before, you know the drill. If not, click on the button below for the general guidelines.


إن شاء الله نغادر يوم الجمعة 14/12/2018 إلى بر السالمي لمشاهدة زخّات شهب الجوزاء. الذروة تكون يوم الخميس، التأخير يوم لا يؤثر بشكل كبير. نغادر إن شاء الله من مواقف ثانوية صالح الشهاب جوار جمعية مشرف الساعة 18:30 (6:30 pm) آملين الوصول إلى بر السالمي الساعة 20:00 (8:00pm). إذا كنت مرافقنا من قبل، فلديك المعلومات عن التجهيزات وماذا ممكن أن تتوقع هناك. إذا كانت هذه أول مرة لك، يرجى الضغط على الزر في الأسفل لمزيد من المعلومات العامّة عن رحلات بر السالمي.

6 thoughts on “Event: Stargazing in AlSalmi Desert [2018/12/14]

  1. Hi..this event first time for me. Want to capture picture with my basic camera. Just want to know do I need to meet at Mishrif? or we can travel directly? Iam familiar with road number 70 but haven’t gone to inside desert area. If you can help me with map would be nice for me. Thanks

    1. Hey,

      You can catch up to us later on in your convenience. Take a look at the detailed post and you’ll see a detailed description of our route.

      We usually pick a new spot every trip, so if you’re coming later, drop me a message and I’ll send you either my current location, or my glimpse code so you’d see my path and route to follow 😀

  2. Hi there..

    I have a Nikon D5500 DSLR Cam with basic lens only, is it good enough for this trip ?

    For me too it will be a first timer, and I would like to join you for this trip. Is it ok ?

    I shall come directly at the location later on, so I will message you on whatsapp to get the google co-ordinates…

    Thank you…

    1. Your camera should be good. Make sure to bring a tripod, memory and battery.

      I’ll send you my location (Or my path) as soon as you contact me. I hope you can make it 😀

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