When: 6th of November, 2015 from 18:00 to 21:00 (6pm to 9pm)
Where: AlShaheed Park
A BYOD (Bring your own device) kind of Lan Party to play Team Fortress 2 together for 3 hours of fun. Its free; anyone can register and participate. But I’m limited to 20 seats so you better hurry up!
Rules, regulations, and requirements:
- Bring your own device. We personally recommend bringing a laptop because it’ll be a hassle to bring a heavy computer and a monitor back and forth. We will not carry it for you (We’ll be setting up tables and stuff) so unless you’re OK with carrying things to only play for 3 hours, I suggest you bring a laptop.
- Beverages and maybe light snacks will be available. There’s also a shop somewhere where you can get snacks.
- No littering. This place is clean, we all come from well-raised families with good standards. Lets keep the place clean so we’d have the opportunity to host more events in the future.
- Please ensure that the following are up to date:
- Antivirus
- System files
- Steam files
- Team Fortress 2
- No internet. Not because we’re denying it, because we’ll be in a basement and hotspots will have bad signals. Believe me, reception is so bad, people had to take their laptops outside to get better signal to update their Minecraft.
- NO SMOKING! Leaving the fact that its forbidden by the management to smoke indoor, we’re in a confined place and some of us might be either allergic or have hard time breathing. Hell, I personally don’t want to return home smelling like an ashtray. You can however smoke outdoor and the exit is, like, 30 seconds away.
If you’re interested, please fill in this form and you will be contacted as soon as possible.