An Open Letter to Groups Underrepresented in Videogames (and Devs!)
Hi, I’m a game geek.
Hi, I’m a game geek.
Link! It was five days last week, Tuesday to Saturday, but due to work commitments, we decided to go Thursday through Saturday. First impressions: Although there were a lot of people, it was deceptively quiet. At first I thought it […]
As it says on the box! I’m not a code monkey like Mister Q8GEEK, but given a clean and friendly GUI and adequate documentation, I’ve created a few little games. I’m especially proud in this case because at least one […]
Hello, geeks! It’s Mrs. Q8GEEK! Feel free to ref to me as Mrs. Q, especially those of you on mobiles who might want to keep things brief! I’ve known the Q8GEEKS blog for way longer than I’ve known Mister Q8GEEK. […]