Stargazing trip


When: 13th of August, 2015. Leaving by 18:00 (6pm).

Where: Gathering in Mishref CO-OP. Arriving in AlSalmi Desert




August 13th will reach the peek of Perseids Meteor Shower. If I’m not mistaken, I counted ~30 bright shooting stars back around the same time last year. If Mr. Weather decided to calm down and be clear during the night, we should be able to have a good show.

Meet up and Arrival:

We’ll meet up in Mishref CO-OP’s parking lot, the exterior one. Why? Because it’ll be easier for us to just leave instead of going inside, get stuck behind those who don’t know how to park (Or those who try to park). We leave by 18:00 (6pm) so we could make it there by 19:30 (7:30pm) if we’re lucky.

There’s no definite spot I always choose. There’s always a new spot considering the weather and surroundings. But it should be around the same area. We will arrive in a quiet and dark place. Don’t worry about wilderness. I slept there and nothing happened.

What to prepare:

If you’re just there to stargaze, then just bring a chair/mat, some snacks (Food/Drinks), and lay down and enjoy the view. It’ll be hot in there. Not too hot, but hot enough that you’d want to drink more water than usual.

If you’re here to take pictures, you’ll have to bring:

  • A camera and cable release (Or remote. Trust me, I always forget to bring this).
  • A good memory card. We’re not talking speed as much as size. I recommend anything 16GB and beyond. And bring a couple of cards, not just one.
  • A tripod. It can get windy there, so bring a heavy one.
  • A good lens:
    • A typical and standard 18-55 lens works, just don’t expect breath-taking results.
    • Fisheye lens is probably ideal for startrails.
    • If you’re looking to zoom at stars, you’d probably know about lenses more than I know about my family.
  • Batteries. Charge them. Trust me in this one, I tend to forget mine or forget to charge them.

For more information, you can contact me at:


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