iOS .. Third Place!

And … Qlendar on iOS has finally crossed the finish line, nailing the bronze medal. That’s right ladies and gents, due to serious HIGgy issues (Human-Interface Guidelines), iOS has stumbled and barely made it past the finish line, after two months of being completed .. Then revamped.. Ehm, in any case.

To all you loyal Apple users, rejoice! This is the first version of Qlendar and it is that awesome! (I’d say it’s better… ehm, sorry). Major features heading your way as the app shows ever more potential, including linking the app to your local Calendar, caching for speedy awesomeness, and who know? Maybe an iPad, landscape, new stuff thingies are coming, too!

OK, I sounded ever more excited, and made such a great big deal out of an app wrapped it in like 4 days total, so .. (you got your blog post!) … now beat it! :p


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