One of my picture was on display in a museum in Copenhagen!

“Do what you love, money will follow” – Albert Einstein

Not really Einstein. I really don’t know who said it, but I liked it, so I’ll put a ring on it… No really, I don’t know who said it, but I’ve been following up this quote a lot lately.

Anyway, I received an email in January 16 from The Louisiana Museum of Modern Art in Denmark about an exhibition they’re holding about Arabian art, culture, and architecture.

They asked to have the rights to display one of my photos.

This was a second scenario where I had to read the email for 2376459234 times to make sure it’s legit and not just another Nigerian prince kind of email.

Once I confirmed, I literally went “OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG” all the way from my room to my brother’s room to show him the email. Then to my father to show him the email. Then called few friends…

The exhibition is going from January 31 to May 4, which means it’s still on display!

I can’t express the pride I have in me to have one of my pictures displayed in a FRIGGIN’ MUSEUM!

I feel so proud of keeping my passion as innocent and pure as I kept it this far. If I sold out and commercialized this passion, it would’ve died and I would’ve became your average car photographer who ridiculously boosts HDR and go “OMGOMGOMGOMG!”… Or starbucks cups photographer with boosted HDR and shallow poem written somewhere or your average random picture taken who adds a quote from a song as if this will give more meaning to the picture…

I feel sad that I’m not recognized nor properly exposed locally because I don’t look for freebies for falsely good reviews or milk the hell out of this blog with ads and review every single thing even a CO-OP plastic bag and rate it nor ass-kiss corporate asses for some exclusive contents…

Yet, I feel extremely happy that I am more recognized and known internationally than locally.

Do what you love, money will follow.
Do what you love, money will follow.
Do what you love,
Do what you love,
Do what you love, money will follow.

2 thoughts on “One of my picture was on display in a museum in Copenhagen!


    just felt saying that lol
    a question: which one is your photo?
    And good luck with your photography!

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