They might’ve over done it… But still kicks a laugh…
The Simpsons made few Apple’n’Steve Jobs mocking episode(s) or something… I dug few of’em in YouTube and hope you like’em…
I’m not posting this to mock Apple and Steve Jobs (Though I kinda do 😛 ), I just found it abit of funny and thought maybe some will like it (I’m sure few of my friends will)… And I’m sure as well you’ll find Windows mocking movies (and probably Linux mocking movies as well)…
u 4got the “my bill” one 😛
here, cracked me up!
Thanks that was very funny 😉
that show is STILL airing?!!
by the way, funny 🙂
somebody should dig up something on linux and M$.. i’m all for a good laugh
I remember they made fun of bill gates