As I’m writing this post, the game’s credits is rolling…
The… Game… Is… Fucking AWESOME!!!
It’s been a while since I last time played a game that’s not online… Well, atleast I started with the campaign =P
Funny thing, here in Kuwait, we used to complain few years ago about not having games unless a week or two passes after the release day, now, I finalized the game before the release day…
Now, I’ll take a break and start pewpewing people online =D
” (Just like me, I’m still 12 years old since 1997) ” hmm.. isnt this a little too much for guys your age ? all the gore, violence and pewpewing… such carelessnessness Pfffft!
ow wait.. that also means no meee >.< meh.. i guess being 12 is better than being 17 modern warfare 2 is bleh! 😛
600,000 consoles Banned HOLY CRAP!!! That’s gunna b a lot less people online to play modern Warfare 2 and he is right it is an awsome game.
I can’t beleive my Iphone gets 3G in freakin the mountains of Puerto Rico