I should’ve known better…
Apparently some researchers in Washington discovered that men carry some type of genes that might be the cause of an unhappy marriage…
As I understood, doing some studies on men with different martial state (married, unmarried, attached to parents… etc) and found out that the variation of a gene named AVPR1A (which is linked to aggression) is found more on married men (with dissatisfaction marriage life) than single men…
I could be wrong… I’ve been reading this thing while I was eating chocolate… Well atleast I tried =P
Though its not definite neither proven yet, I just provided an excuse to blame it on the man =P…
Less talk, more links…
Click here to follow the BBC Link.
I knew it !!
i’m a man as well… so i hope thats not totally true =P
well it makes sense :p
come ON! give us a break!!