Windows 7 build 6956 vs Windows XP

Adrian Kingsley-Hughes from ZDNET made some benchmarks on Windows 7 and Windows XP Service Pack 3…

In case you think Windows XP is the most stable OS Microsoft ever made (leaving Windows Servers and 98 aside… Well, I think that too 😛 ), you might need to re-think again…

I’ll just leave the benchmark results the guy made and a link to the post if you’re interested…

And here’s the link if you’re interested in the details

4 thoughts on “Windows 7 build 6956 vs Windows XP

  1. looks like microsoft has finally put it’s act together, if the charts are anything to go by. it’s performance is phenomenal compared to that sorry excuse of an operating system they call vista. i hope it is as stable as it is fast

  2. Let’s just hope so, but I doubt that I’ll be great, there must be a thing that is not good about it! there has to be some! and especially if it was from M$!!!

  3. SIGTERMer:
    Well, Microsoft is full of surprises since Steve Balmer got involved (That maniac 😛 )

    Anxious Nut:
    Windows 7 beta (or pre-beta) got great reviews and feedbacks related to stability and improvements… Microsoft got some dark history but look at how Microsoft is improving… pffft what a Linux fanboy 😛

    It’s not a matter of “PC is booting faster than Mac”… In fact, there’s some PC attempts (Both Linux and probably Windows… Can’t remember the Windows side but I’m certainly sure about Linux thingy) that the whole OS boots in a matter of 2~5 seconds…

    This thing above only clarifies that Windows 7 scored better than Windows XP in some benchmarks ran by the tech person who ran’em (which proves some improvements)… Thats why I haven’t mentioned neither Linux or Mac…

    And SSD isn’t supported properly by ANY OS yet…

    I REPEAT: SSD IS NOT SUPPORTED PROPERLY BY ANY OS YET… It’s to be discovered and optimized… And by that I mean neither Mac, Linux, BeOS, RISCOS, Ba6ee5 OS or Windows supports it properly (or the way it should support it which utilize the REAL SSD potential)…

    And gladly Microsoft promised some improved SSD support in Windows 7… And so far, they’re keeping their promises (Let’s just say most of’em) in Windows 7… They might slack off… But they might as well hit the spot…

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