VB for Windows Phone 7!? Oh noes!!

As much as I hate Visual Basic, I have to admit how easy things would be for me once things are actually done migrating!

So, C#, Silverlight and XNA aren’t enough for Windows Phone 7 so they added Visual Basic to it too.

The fact that I’ve been exposed to Visual Basic 6 for the longest time explains why this would be a good thing for me. But then again, Microsoft officials cautioned that XNA won’t support Visual Basic while Silverlight can.

I wonder when will they enable peer-to-peer functionality in Windows Phone 7.


One thought on “VB for Windows Phone 7!? Oh noes!!

  1. Reading ‘VB’ gave me goosebumps, rememb- … ah, it’s good to be free!

    “C#, Silverlight and XNA aren’t enough for Windows Phone 7 so they added Visual Basic to it too.” LOL, but it’s better than forcing a developer to use a certain language! I think it’s a good move! Also, don’t forget MS needs some freelancers so that it can compete with the iOS and Android applications!

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