3 thoughts on “Direct3D for linux!?

    1. Probably not. DirectX is not the only thing alien to linux. although if they coded the entire thing in pure C# with cross platform libraries, then…. maybe

  1. Tears of joy, YES!

    However, the article says that it’s goal “is to run Windows Direct3D 10/11 games on Linux using Wine.”! That’s good, will guarantee a more stable DirectX since the earlier releases of it can be used under wine after tweaking a bit!

    Now the thing that doesn’t make me that happy is that it’s depending on wine! Wine is a project, it’s not dependable! It can’t assure that it’ll work with every windows app/game!!

    So @DarkWolf80s, if anything, it’ll be “WINE supported”! Though, they can’t assume that as well, so they have to mention the distro they tried it on, also the version of wine they used!

    Though I still think it’s a nice thing to have! You never know, maybe I’ll start playing a game other than tetris 😉

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