Upgrade from Windows 7 RC to Windows 7 without a clean install!

So I went to INFOCONNECT and it WAS CRAP!, so I ended up buying my longed loved Windows 7 Pro (I’m supposed to buy it atleast 2 months ago)…

I got shocked and frustrated\sad when I read “I need to clean-install Windows 7 over Windows 7 RC” because I have shit-load of files to back up and softwares to reinstall (Most of’em are those that I can’t really find online)… Poking around Google here and there, I ended up upgrading with a little hack…

I’d like to note that upgrading isn’t a recommended option and Microsoft doesn’t support the idea and they inform you that you will have to clean-install if you want to use Windows 7 over Windows 7 RC (Yes they did, but I forgot about it)… Then again, it’s a hustle to do things all over again (Specially since I have no storage)…

Anyway, if you’re upgrading from Windows 7 RC Ultimate to Windows 7 Home Premium or Professional, here’s what you do:
1) Copy the DVD’s content somewhere… In my case, I copied the content in my 4GB flash drive.
2) Edit the “\sources\cversion.ini” file in the copied folder (My 4GB flash drive in my case) and change the “MinClient” to 7000.0.
3) Go to Start and write “regedit” in the search bar, right click on it and choose “Run as administrator”.
4) Go to “Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion”.
5) Change “EditioinID” to “HomePremium” if you’re installing Home Premium or to “Professional” if you’re going Pro…fesional 😛 (I haven’t tried using “Ultimate” because I don’t own one).
6) Change “ProductName” to “Windows 7 HomePremium” if you’re installing Home Premium or “Windows 7 Professional” if you’re going to install Windows 7 ProstituteImeanprofessional 😛 (I haven’t tried “Ultimate”, but if you can, give it a shot and lemme know if it works).
7) Run “\setup.exe” in the coped folder (4GB flash drive here) and just upgrade normally.

Took me few hours to actually install Windows 7 Professional this way, but things worked like a charm =D

I hope whoever follows this post can write us back a feedback so we can all benefit.


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