Carrying on with the MMO crappism, I found this study in BBC News…

There’s a study made by Manchester University researchers (Not Manchester United you idiots!!) which concludes that
Nearly half a million people are employed in developing countries earning virtual goods in online games to sell to players, a study has found.
I mean c’mon… Gold farming is immoral and illegal leaving the fact that its just plain lame… And y’know who’s lamer? Those who actually buy that gold… And I’m sure we have alot of’em here in Kuwait considering the fact that I actually know some…
Seriously, where’s the fun if you just buy some virtual money\gold just to get gears? where’s did the gaming spirit go? What happened to “enjoying what I earn” or “I got what I got by earning them”?
And whats with those idiots? wasting their life over working long hours for little payment? instead, grab a book, learn, get a degree of some kind and lead a better life!!
Its alright if the game legally sells ya virtual gold\money for real ones… But doing it illegally is a fun-killer…
Well, not like I’m a MMORPG guy, but this is one of the facts that made me hate such game genre!!!
I read this mn zman sj lay galaw rzg el g6awa 3la elkhamlat hehehe
grind-fests = a reason to buy gold.
i wouldn’t waste physical and real money over fake and virtual ones…