The Mac Hacker’s Handbook!!

Well, I don’t know WHY or HOW I ended up in that page, but I did…

The Mac Hacker’s Handbook is out in Amazon which has some Mac expoits and vulnerabilities…

Yes, every OS has vulnerabilities and all, but this book is dedicated for OS X vulnerabilities… Whether they’re old and patched or new and haven’t been patched yet, you can learn and mess around to discover more vulnerabilities (maybe)…

Now, I can safely say that “Mac is less more secured than Windows” than before…

Less talk, more linkage…

Click here to read the Trail Of Bits post.

3 thoughts on “The Mac Hacker’s Handbook!!

  1. Well, Mac OSX has less known vulnerabilities and exploits than Windows…

    In that sense, Mac OSX is more secured than Windows (I repeat, statically speaking)…

    And now, it will become less secured since this handbook got released in Amazon… Just grab it and hack it 😛

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