You think it’s cute for a robot to start talking and stuff, but it’s their first step to take over and become our overlords. This little thing runs Ubuntu on Atom Z530 with 4GB Flash drive and costs ~$3,600 (~1,000KD). […]
You think it’s cute for a robot to start talking and stuff, but it’s their first step to take over and become our overlords. This little thing runs Ubuntu on Atom Z530 with 4GB Flash drive and costs ~$3,600 (~1,000KD). […]
So I ran a little research on, a Chattrolette-like site and found out that geeks are everywhere, even on useless time wasting sites! The question was simple “Ubuntu?”, if one knows it, he replies, otherwise, they’d disconnect! Here’s the stats […]
When it comes to Linux desktop environments, the majority usually say ‘Gnome’, and only a few say ‘KDE’. Reasons that kept the majority from becoming KDE users are mainly performance and reliability. However, things have changed with the KDE release […]
It’s been almost a year now since Gnome team started to work on Gnome 3, which is the next Gnome desktop environment base. Gnome has also been working on Gnome-Shell which is the main desktop environment for Gnome 3. Gnome-Shell […]
People always say that Linux isn’t for playing video games. I agree only because gaming companies have problems with providing games on Linux. Despite that fact, gaming on the Linux platform is getting better! One factor that’s been helping bringing […]
Ever wanted to experience ubuntu or any of its official derivatives without the need of installation? Well, edubuntu, an ubuntu for kids and education, now provides the service! You can try it for free with the resolution of your screen! […]
The date today is 10.10.10 and if you translate that from binary you get 42. Also 1337 % of Pi is 42 On a side note Ubuntu 10.10 is getting released today. Thanks Macrotis
Passwords? nay, requires typing! Fingerprint scanning? nay, requires moving a hand! Face scanning?!! YAY! Okay i seriously don’t think this is useful, … but it is interesting! You can log into your Ubuntu system using your face to gain access, […]
Okay this one provides the capability of making your ubuntu have more integration! This lets you change the colors of an icon set according to the colors you like simply with out the need to edit each icon(please don’t tell […]
Okay, tonight I received two things that i really really like!! It’s been a while to get such! First, I finally received my Ubuntu 10.04 LTS CDs! I know it’s a bit late cause i ordered one extra for my […]