I don’t share short posts or anything, but, try this out: 1) Fire up google 2) Write “zerg rush” 3) Wait for a second or two 4) FUCK!! KILL ALL THE ZERGS!! If you don’t know what “Zerg rush” means, […]
I don’t share short posts or anything, but, try this out: 1) Fire up google 2) Write “zerg rush” 3) Wait for a second or two 4) FUCK!! KILL ALL THE ZERGS!! If you don’t know what “Zerg rush” means, […]
Leaving my fanboyism aside, I have one good reason to love Bing over Google search: The main page. Yes, search results are different in relativity. But Bing is improving really. I still rely on Google to find me answers, but […]
If you remember this and the stir it caused to the intertubes, you’d want to read this. So yea, Google ditched H.264 on their Chrome browsers, and Microsoft are providing an extension to keep it running in your beloved Chrome. […]
It goes without saying that Tablet computers are getting to be all the rage for the next coming months. Acer has after all decided to phase out their net books for tablets. And it goes without saying that this all […]
If you remember this, you definitely need to read this! The guys behind The Manslater App sent a comment to tell us that the app actually exists for Android phones for free. So, if you’re having troubles with your wife […]
While surfing the interwebs the other day, I spot an interesting blog-post by a Kuwaiti blogger, Fares Al-Osaimi. It simply showed a graph of browsers being used in Kuwait. The results were really shameful! You can clearly see that Windows […]
Thats it… We’re doomed… We’re going back to Flash xD Look at your Google, now back to me, now back to your Google, now back to me. Sadly, it’s not supporting H.264. But if they weren’t so picky about bringing […]
Google Science Fair, the wold’s first global online science fair, was launched for the first time yesterday, Jan 11th in New York. Google Science Fair in not your ordinary school science fair, it’s an online science fair that accepts submissions […]
So Samsung released the their first – yet second – Google phone Nexus S, Nexus One by HTC being the first Google phone! It’s manufactured by Samsung and runs Google Android OS – without any Samsung modification – no TouchWiz, […]
Let’s speak URL-shorteners for a brief moment! Most of us find very sufficient, providing the ease of usability, the simple design, implementation in most API, and stats! Stats actually what made me use, though i still use […]