Random news

Alright, I’ll be bringing some random and stacking news.


So, Qlendar have been progressing slowly but surely. I wrote a small documentation for those who’d be interested in integrating their apps\systems with Qlendar.

Near future plans will include having SSL sessions so mobile users can safely log-in and submit events, adding pictures for events and user profiles for the mobile apps, Giving geotag back to enable quick directions by mobile maps (Bing\Google)

Far future plans will include OAUTH implementation and most likely rewriting the whole thing.


I’ve acquired Q8GEEKS.COM recently (Yes, finally!). This will help eliminating the .com/.org confusion.
Also, I’m looking for a different theme.

I’ve taken the forum down (Well, I’m not going to pull it back again… EVER). I’ll also build up a wiki page of some sort to document whatever project we make or whatever definition or joke we come up with that needs to detailed to be referred to.

And just for teh lulz, I’m reading up on how to make a firefox plug just to parse and tags. Why? Because keefy!

So yeah, expect fun stuff soon 😀

2 thoughts on “Random news

  1. Hi since you’re the best person I know with computers, I was wondering if you could help with an issue which would really mean a lot. Can I get your email or whatever account you check so I can explain?

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