One more reason to love sleep: Study shows that the more you sleep the more fat you burn… Kinda…

Anyway, this is how the study went:

They took a bunch of fat people, split’em to two groups, one that sleeps 8:30 hours and another that sleeps 5:00 hours.
With the same amount of food, the first group lost fat much more than the second group while!!
And to make it even more weird, the first group lost fat while the second group lost a bit of muscle mass!!

Rejoice fat people, sleep is in your side this time xD


6 thoughts on “One more reason to love sleep: Study shows that the more you sleep the more fat you burn… Kinda…

  1. is it just me or the cat pushed down the screen on him on purpose because he can do setups and get slimmer but it cant :S

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