BarCamp stream is here.

Well, I’m so sorry it took me 9 days to upload and provide the BarCamp Livestream, but here it is.

I apologize for bad audio\video recording. This happened in the spot without prior experience.
I apologize for the short time since the first few hour have been cropped because it’s filled with useless chatters.
I apologize for the video drop at the “” talk because, well, that’s what you get for having a Free account rather than Premium account.

I’d like to thank Majed for cropping the video for me. I lack video manipulation skills.
I’d like to thank Shaymaa for the invitation and the wonderful efforts to pull things up (And the sweet sweet cupcakes available there *yum*).

If there’s anyone to blame, let it be me.

BarCamp Kuwait 2010 Livestream cropped for each session (Might not work due to AJAX implementation, so right-click and save)

2 thoughts on “BarCamp stream is here.

  1. Yo, I wasn’t the one who cropped them. I tried but the codecs weren’t going well with the application I used (avidemux).

    My buddy Ahmad from did the job and hopefully we’ll have the videos on youtube soon (though I don’t know why we should bother since the quality is poor 🙁 )

    We’ve learned a lesson & should avoid this in the future by recording a separate audio so that we can also provide a transcript in case the video isn’t proper.

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