I haven’t even bought PS3,XBox-X or Wii!!! Things are REALLY moving fast…
Well, according to PC AUTHORITY,
Intel will be the one who makes PS4’s GPU
ATi will be the one who makes the XBox3’s GPU and Wii2’s GPU (Well, Nintendo got good history with ATi)
Leaving nVIDIA licking itself 😛 …
I’d like to add few things (I know 1337Q8, SIGTERMer, Anxious Nut and bone crusher [Damn! That’s everyone in my forum 😛 ] would disagree)… It’s your choice to take it or leave it, but thats how I feel about it:
PS4 might just get it right this time and things won’t be as stable as desired on XBox3 and Wii2…
Well, Back in GameCube (Which it’s graphics are powered by ATi), the game graphics-wise sucked but things were covered by the great gameplays…
Moving forward abit, XBox 360’s RROD (Yes, ATi powered as well)… I think this describes the stability issues enough (Even though they’ve been worked out recently… Bas as we Kuwaitis say “Sh3ogbah?” 😛 )
Now, Back in PS2 era, I don’t think that any console would handle Gran Turismo 4 the way PS2 handled it with such realistic graphics and fast processing… So graphics-wise, the console was great (Even though alot of games sucked gameplay-wise)…
Now, moving ahead to PS3 (Which I’m planning on buying soon inshallah… Yes, I’m a PS3 fanboy 😛 … But I respect\love Xbox360 too), you don’t seem to find heat-related issues for PS3… Ofcourse, there is, but the amount of issues totally fades away when comparing it to Xbox360…
Well, that’s just me blabbering and all… You can like what I say or not… You can argue, or not… You can think whatever you want… OR NOT 😛 … And I’m sure alot would stick to Wii and XBox since they’re the majority here in Kuwait… But that’s how I feel about the upcoming consoles in 2012…
Click here to read the PC AUTHORITY post.
for Microsoft fanboy like u, i respect how u know which console is better ;p
we still need xbox so sony will sense fear and their products threaten, otherwise won’t care one bit.
Well I’m a Microsoft fanboy, but PS fanboyism surpasses :P…
I’m sure both Microsoft and Nintendo got things… Beside, ATi REALLY improved (Considering the fact that I’m an nVIDIA fanboy :P)
Nintendo’s games were always the driving force behind Nintendo’s success. even if the hardware was (and still is) crap. but most if not all of the recent Nintendo titles are a major disappointment. coming to think of it, all the rest is crap too.
I like Nintendo and even own a wii (mistake), but i think you made the right choice when you decided on the PS3. GTA4 alone is good enough reason to buy let alone GT5.
btw, your blog interface is in Spanish.
MGS4, GT4 and I was hoping for Ace Combat 6 but seems like it wouldn’t be out (Thats why I like XBox360… For Gears of War and Ace Combat 6)
And yes… it is in spanish… I’m finding a better theme >.>
don’t find it. just change it.
I think the story originated from The Inquirer. They’re rarely ever right about these things 🙁
Well thats mentioned in the link, but for the fact that nVIDIA is out and Intel is for PS4, it’s kinda confirmed…
Well, thats what I understood… I could be wrong though…