I’m supposed to write about how fast it would boot and shuts down, then I ran accross another website that talks about SSD support…
Windows 7 promised that Win7 will boot and shut down faster by cutting the services to be loaded at startup and loading drivers in parallel sequence instead of serial sequence (In my own opinion which is usually wrong, this would give harder time to trace bad drivers being loaded and stuff… But I’m sure event viewer will be more than enough to reveal such things)…
Windows 7 will now be able to to run with lower CPU frequency and stay idle for longer time due to some OS Kernel tweaks…
Also, Windows 7 promises better memory management which instead of managing background stuff, it loads some to the GPU so the memory remains ready for newer process (I actually never saw that coming)
And about the SSD thingy, they’re working on optimizing some ATA thingies to uniquely recognize SSD drives and let’em work the way they’re meant to work…
Anyways, here’s more links to read and see:
Engadget post with videos.
PC Authority post.
“boot and shut down faster”
They’ve been saying that since Windows 98 :/
well, they’re taking new approaches… like the parallel drivers loading and cutting on useless services…
we’ll only have to wait’n’see