Microsoft Surface + The Super Bowl Security = 73h 53k5!!

Too bad the video won’t show anything interesting (Though you can imagine the concept)

I don’t know how to describe what’s going on in there, but they’re using Microsoft’s surface to actually coordinate security forces and squads to wherever the guy who’s monitoring things want’em to be (Let’s hope who don’t prank’em :P)

If something like this would happen to Kuwait, I’m sure they’ll be using Apple-related products because they’re fancy and run OS SUX (OS X) and probably connect’em somehow on BlackBerry since they’re Kuwait’s thing nowdays 😛

Well, here’s the video if you’re curious (Shouldn’t they publish the fat camera guy’s tape?)

<a href=";playlist=videoByUuids:uuids:286ccd43-a8c8-4fd8-be1f-f942d4da016f&#038;showPlaylist=true&#038;from=shared" target="_new" title="Super Bowl: Microsoft Surface helps police monitor security">Video: Super Bowl: Microsoft Surface helps police monitor security</a>

Taken from Endadget

4 thoughts on “Microsoft Surface + The Super Bowl Security = 73h 53k5!!

  1. hehehe… I’ll have hard time doing so and I think I don’t have the quite enough time to actually maintain stuff >_<

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