Alright, one of the reasons I’m not going to buy a REAL laptop till 2010 is USB3… Well, alot of technologies and standards will be out by then, but USB3 is something to wait for…
Ofcourse USB3 went to public and all, but in 2010 it’ll be implemented in alot of hardwares and all…
Even though it’s really early to create such thing, Linux already has a driver for USB3…
That was really quick though… I wonder when there will be Windows driver for USB3…
Click here to read the Engadget related post.
one more reason why linux rocks. yes geek, i’m a linux fanatic.. sue me 😉
You’ll hear from my lawyer soon…
But yea, Linux rocks and all… Yet it’s a bit too early to support it since there’s no much hardware available for such standard… (And obviously whoever make the USB3 device will have to provide with Windows and Linux [And maybe Mac OS SUCKS] drivers as well)…
Then again, Linux was first… *claps*
USB3 implementation on linux has been a work in progress on the 2.8 kernel for a while now.
2.8? Did you come from future!?
LINUX IS teh RoX0r