Hands up!! A fight between ZDNET bloggers :P

It’s not a fight… It’s more like an argument betweeon someone who think that Windows XP users will have hard time dealing with Windows7 and someone who’s convincing him that he’s wrong 😛

I actually had to suffer abit to be able to use Windows7 (Yes… I downloaded the leaked Windows7 ISO file)… But I worked things through…

Jason (The guy who dislikes Windows7) had three reasons to hate Windows7’s UI and his colleague (Ed Bott… The guy who actually wrote the article) provide a reasonable reason why things went that way, and the work around to return things the way they were back in Windows XP days…

Like, “Can’t find the (RUN) shortcut in start menu”, “Why can’t I find the common (My Computer, My Documents… etc) icons on the desktop?” and “The new Control Panel is annoying”…

I’ll be honest, I kinda hated these three issues that made me hate Vista’s UI because it’s abit similar to Windows7’s UI (If not almost identical)…

But personally I know that “Windows button+R” shows the run thingy… And I know how to show the icons on desktop (They’re hidden in Windows XP to begin with)… And how to manage things in the new Control Panel…

Ofcourse, you’ll need some time to know the new UI and get used to it (Which is one of the main reasons why Kuwaities think that Vista sucks and complicated)… But once you do, you’ll be more productive than before…

Well… I think I talked alot… Click here to read the ZDNET fight 😛

One thought on “Hands up!! A fight between ZDNET bloggers :P

  1. Well, I’ve just finished downloading the ISO file, but I’m gonna try it later! but about that run thingie,… man it’s annoying when it is not in the main menu! … talking about Vista here!

    Look, I’ve got some stuff to tell those who are having the stupidest argument ever: PEOPLE, there is nothing perfect in this world, If you have some better ideas then tell them. If they didn’t like it then GO MAKE YOUR OWN OS! and stop complaining!!!

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