Guestbook v2.0

Well, I was poking around with PHP for a while. But this is my FIRST attempt to mess around with MySQL.

My previous Guestbooks (v1.0 and v1.1) stored the comments in a file and all. Guestbook v2.0 stores stuff in MySQL table.

Please read the “readme.txt” file for details.

There’s no much controls over this Guestbook and you might find stupid methods of doing stuff. After all, I wrote this in an hour knowing almost nothing about MySQL.

I hope you like it =D


9 thoughts on “Guestbook v2.0

  1. well its good if ur just doing it to learn, but if you think it’ll be used, i dont think anybody use guestbooks anymore 🙂

  2. OMG!?! I used to spam people’s guestbook back in Geocities days with its crappy free website and builder tool. Ahhh good times. CAN I SPAM YOU?!!! O_O

  3. foxhound:
    Well yea. I just did this lame Guestbook to try things out. Who knows, maybe someone will make good use of it

    Spam me, and I’ll spam you in real life with my “HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHEHEEEEEE” thing.

  4. your code is vulnerable to sql ejection. the mysql module for php5 includes a function that sterilizes strings and makes them safe. can’t remember the function though.

    note to anyone using this script: i promise you that if i find this script unpatched on the web, i will delete every single table in your database. maybe i’ll give you a warning first. Thank you.

  5. This IS my FIRST MySQL attempt. OFCOURSE THINGS WILL BE VULNERABLE!! Give me a break will ya?

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