Game Developers Meetup [17th, March, 2018]

If you’re a game programmer, artist, designer, narrator, voice actor, or just interested in games development, then join us at the Game Developers Meetup for a day of real life social networking!

This meetup will take place on Saturday, 17th of March, 2018, at the National Library of Kuwait, from 12:00 to 21:00.

There’s no registration nor entrance fee, so just walk in and have a good time!

هل أنت مبرمج ألعاب، رسّام، مصمم، ممثل صوتي، أو مهتم بتطوير الألعاب؟ إذاً، شاركنا بيوم من التواصل في تجمع مطوّري الألعاب!

الملتقى سيكون في بكتبة الكويت الوطنية يوم السبت 17 مارس 2018، من الساعة 12:00 إلى الساعة 21:00.

ليس هنالك أي رسوم أو تسجيل للملتقى، كل ما عليك هو الحضور!


2 thoughts on “Game Developers Meetup [17th, March, 2018]

  1. I really think you should do a review or a breakdown of these events once they conclude and it on your blog. It doesn’t have to be something fancy; just a general timeline and few highlights of what went well (and what didn’t) will go a long way to convince lurkers who are on the fence about attending.

    And pictures. You can’t forget about the pictures.

    1. Oh, I should really be doing that with every single event I organize and stuff.

      But I’m trash at documenting things I do because, well, I’m really horrible at managing time and priorities.


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