This is really freakishly weirdly amazing…
Some Swedish researchers were able to create an illusion that makes men think they’re in a woman’s body and the way around…
They achieved such thing by placing some circuits over some fake models that and some cameras on the model’s eyes and connecting them somehow to the person’s body (by placing feelers to their body so if the models got touched, the feelers will feedback almost the same feeling… Well, more or less)…
But illusion can go only this far… As in you can’t fool a human to think he’s a box!! (He might if you slipped some caffeine pills or whatever :P)… Which floats a weird question; Would he believe he’s a guerrilla? 😛
The good thing is, this might let cross-dressers think of using such think instead of wearing woman stuff and wander off in public disgusting others…
The bad thing is, things could go wrong and girls into guys and guys into girls!! (Which this woul be the only use for such thing here in Kuwait… And for the laughs and kicks :P)…
This would decrease the amount of cross-dressers and increase the amount of both (fe)male gayness here in Kuwait 😛
But seriously… The concept is surprising and I think it’s original and new… I could be wrong though…
Click here to read more at REUTERS.
Make it 2!