I started my car today and didn’t notice the fog until I reached gulf street… Good thing I had my camera along with me 😛
Here’s few pictures that shows how invisible Kuwait Towers could be in today’s fog
As I keep telling everyone “Kuwait’s weather is controlled by a Random Extreme Values Weather Generation function (REVWG)… And the random number is [4] (Assured by XKCD)…
So if you want to play “Silent Hill” or “Ghost in the Fog” games, it’s the perfect moment… Almost 😛
lol Silent Hill, I went to work and took day off i notice the fog, but i also notice the red sky around 2 am, man i didn’t get much sleep last night ;_;
I would not want to be flying an airplane right now @_@
I just imagined a Kuwaiti-version of 9/11 … Who would we blame if that happened? 😛
You know it would be better if we played hide and seek!! Just kidding! I would like to say “7asafa ma 8a3edt il-youm embacher”!
I’m sure for some reason we’d blame Hawaii since Kuwait’s government is REALLY random… And it doesn’t go by the random number “4” 😛