Firefox On Fire!

Firefox was walking by a river side when he heard music coming from far away. Being the dancing maniac he is, he couldn’t control himself and started to dance wildly…

This is a video of the cool fox doing his thing, enjoy..

[youtube KC90qyFnhZQ]

And for all of you out there who still don’t know what I’m talking about; it’s a GLITCH!

How to get Ubuntu dancing:
1-Change your visual effects to Extra which provides the fluber thingi.
2-Open any window (Nautilus, Firefox, or any other re-sizable window).
3-Resize the window to 3/4 the screen, and place the window’s top-right corner at the edge of the screen.
4-Keep pressing the maximizer button until you see it dancing, but you have to concentrate well.
5-Enjoy, but if this doesn’t work just remember that my computer is very very screwed up!

Firefox’s story by SIGTERMer (yeah , I know the guy. I was the one who re-introduced him to this site), How to steps and Video by Me, Anxious Nut.

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