Details about the last week incident.

Well, it’s time I tell you all about the incident. I’m quite sure there’s ATLEAST two who’s interested…

It all started in September, 22nd, 2009 when some Saudi hacker hacked Palmhost’s server. At first, I thought it’s my fault for not deleting some folders that has PHP scripts I wrote which aren’t fully functional (Has errors which could allow some hacker to inject some codes and take things over).

I tried to solve it by deleting the folder, but I have no permission to delete the folder and\or the content inside (Different user), so I had to refer to my website’s CPanel. Wrote the CPanel link and boom, it’s hacked! This isn’t right, I thought right away to check my webmail and it’s hacked again. So I submitted a support ticket for my Palmhost. To make it less long (Even for the bit), I submitted 3 replies in 1 ticket in the same day.

Few hours later (Probably 11 hours later… And no! Not Lamb of God’s song!), they replied acknowledging the massive hack in their server and they’re reinstalling the OS.

I got a call from a friend telling me that his website hacked which assured me that Palmhost weren’t shitting. So I told him it’s not his fault, it’s a Palmhost global issue and they’re working on it.

So while they’re at it, I kept checking my folders and files, and realized the fucker replaced every single “*index*.*” file. As in, every single file that has the word “index” written in it. So I kept deleting the files and replacing them. Knowing that they’ll be replaced sooner or later.

I remember that I, by extreme luck, backed up my whole MySQL database in a ~140MB file. So I wasn’t that worried about my blog posts and stuff.

Few days of poking around, things went back to normal and I can finally check my email (I appreciate your concern guys, your emails made me realize that I still have some loyal readers), but PhpMyAdmin didn’t work properly. So I submitted another ticket to know whats going on. The guys in Palmhost started to work on it and I started to delete useless and damaged files (Which includes my whole blog and upload the latest version and re-download my plugins and themes).

The Palmhost guys had some difficulties retrieving my database because it was humongous and has 3 databases stuffed in 1 single file. And to be honest, I was planning on switching webhosters. But y’know, frustrating patience is something I learned from my old man and I thought I will change my webhosters if this specific issue isn’t solved.

Fortunately, they DID solve it. Which made me a happy satisfied client again. Now I’ve backed up almost all of my shit. Uploaded my files and plugins, deleted unneeded files and folders, killed dead projects (Including my forum… I will revive it hopefully one day… I have another huge project soon).

This whole incident effected my life literally, I kinda sucked at my work because I was worried about this whole thing (After all, it all started while I was at work). And thanks to this incident, I will start doing things with a newer twisted approach. Might be more serious, might be more sick and disrespectful, might be crazy and wild, might be short and simple… I don’t know how things will turn out like, but hopefully noticeably different =D

Now, let’s start the thanking:
I’d like to thank Palmhost for fixing this problem.
I’d like to thank the guys who emailed me outta concern.
I’d like to thank coffee for making me focus while working on this issue.
I’d like to thank my niece for annoying the hell outta me at my slumber that I had to get outta the house, have my coffee overdose and work on this.
I’d like to thank my car for not failing me to get me to my work in time when I went like “Holy Crazy Evil COW!! I’m FUCKING LAET!!!”.
I’d like to thank my laptop for having enough space to store stuff and having Windows7 that literally eased some stuff for me.
I’d like to thank whoever reads this post and this blog. Without you guys\girls and “it”s, I wouldn’t be here today… I would’ve literally went “Oh fuck it, I’ma download more fapping material.”
I’d like to thank god for allowing this event to fire, I had enough time to play Counter-Strike: Source (Screw you SIGTERMer for thinking of “Cascading style sheets”… If you were in my sight right now I’d through my cold coffee at you… Wait, COFFEE!!!!!!)

I know, this is nothing but another boring and long post. But hey, you all must know some details about the incident.

I’ma start writing stuff soon after I figure some shit. But for now, I’m going out with some friends and chill… TODAY IS MY DAY OFF!! BLAAAAAAAAARGH!!!!!!

Cascading style sheets

4 thoughts on “Details about the last week incident.

  1. SIGTERMer:

    Ahmed’s 819:
    Thank you dude, I’ll keep kicking some interesting posts soon (Damn work!!)

  2. you forgot to thank me for being there for moral support 😛
    but yeah, grats on getting this crappy blog back.. <.<

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