I just checked my website invoices and realized that It has been a year and almost 2 months since I registered and started this website…
My first invoice was at July, 7th, 2007…
My website was a project I’m working on which is gathering all the Kuwaiti Geeks in one place so we could discuss and geek around… That target is so hard to reach since most of our geeks are independent and likes to act alone… yet I won’t give up yet… I’ll still work on it…
I honestly thought that I wouldn’t go this far this quick…
I thought that I’d get bored and stop working on it when it reaches 6 months old.
I never thought that I’d reach more than 1GB traffic in a month…
I never thought that I’d have a blog neither a picture gallery (which no one actually visits… Well, not much)… I actually started the gallery just to challenge my friend GTM that I wouldn’t need to open a Flickr account… Though I did, and kept updating my gallery…
I never thought I’d have people commenting and actually reading my blog…
I never thought I’d have people who actually visits my website and browse around…
I never thought a friend of mine would download my Annoying Sheep and screw things at his workspace =P…
I never thought I’d have great opportunities like the Dunkin’Donuts incident or expand my skills to learn few PHP skills…
Here’s the killer,
I never thought I’d make friends with people who once pass by my website (and now they frequently do)…
I’d like to thank god for letting\allowing me to experiencing this journey…
I’d like to thank my special friend who supported me from the beginning and still giving the endless support…
I’d like to thank Jamboura for her support, kindness, forgiveness and her amazing bakery skills =P…
I’d like to thank Palmhost for hosting this website and their amazing support they’ve been providing me (Even though alot of people would disagree about Palmhost’s quality, I just enjoy it and it kicks asses)…
I’d like to thank WordPress for providing their blog to everyone…
I’d like to thank Gallery 2 for providing one of the BEST picture gallery I’ve ran accross…
I’d like to thank SimpleMachineForums for providing their simple yet amazing forum…
I’d like to thank Lusummo for providing Vanilla forum and TheFileBrowser…
I’d like to thank Plogger for providing yet another great picture gallery…
I’d like to thank”eLeeT” for actually pushing some words and senses into me… I swear dude, if you weren’t around I would’ve gave up on many things…
I’d like to thank my friends Wrex, Fencer Darkwind, darkwolf80s, coolcrave, Black Arts Viper and RebelYell for registering in my forum… I know its dead like a stone but being there is more than enough…
I’d like to thank Abdallah for providing me great photography advices…
I’d like to thank GTM for providing me the stubborn spirit… If I followed everything you said dude (which is correct and right) I wouldn’t be enjoying life the stupid way and I mean it…
I’d like to thank Maya El-Moabi… If it wasn’t for you I would’ve lost a great place to chill in…
I’d like to thank Jason Kingrey for providing my previous website template…
I’d like to thank Asooma, atif, klash47, MADonps and Un533N for providing some (if not most) of my Engilazy pictures…
I’d like to thank every single blogger who actually added me to their blogroll, commented in my blog or just passed by…
I’d like to thank all my friends for visiting my website and giving me remarks and notes about it…
And I’d like to thank you for reading this boring 666 words post…
Thanks everyone… It was a wild ride…
Without you all I wouldn’t be able to reach what I’ve reached… And With you all, I hope to reach somewhere further =D
Notice that this line is useless… I used it to make the post reaches 666 words =P AWESOME!!!!!!…
laaaaish il6wala?
hey you got to be the 4th to be thanked… quite whining =P
really, i could do a short speech, but you all deserve something big
3yal 7e6 each of us ib 1 post sa6reen o 5la9
well as i said… you all deserve more than that… specially those on top…
the “you deserve more” decreases as you go down =P… you do the math
good job! keep it up.
Thanks alot… I really appreciate it *blush*
awww..that touched mee xP good for…no AWESOME for you i hope this goes for another year or two 😛 heck i enjoy this blog thingy as it provides me with information about geeky stuff which is interesting and fun too …so ya u go loolydude XD
touched you? you… you…
just kidding dude =P
heyyy u how dare you tell me that XD lmao
just kidding mate ? xP