404 error when upgrading to WordPress 2.8

Alright, I had issues with upgrading my blog to the latest 2.8 version…

The upgrade stopped in the middle so my blog went crazy… Alot of errors and stuff…

So I solved it by following these little steps:
1) Copying my blog folder into my computer and renamed the blog’s folder to something else (I’ll call it “blog_backup” just in case)
2) Downloaded the latest wordpress zipped file (Let’s call it “wordpress28”)
3) Extracted the zipped file somewhere else
4) Copied “wp-includes” and “wp-config.php” to the “wordpress28” folder
5) Uploaded the “wordpress28” folder to my website where my blog is
6) Went to my wp-admin page (http://whatever.com/blog/wp-admin/) and upgraded successfully

NOTE: DON’T DELETE “.htaccess” file in the blog’s root folder

Now, I wrote a post or two, and I realized whenever I click on any post (Old or new ones), it gives me a 404 error…

Here’s how to solve it, I copied the “.htaccess” file from my computer (after copying it from my old blog) to my new blog…

And things are working well so far… I hope…

Lemme know if there’s anything wrong with the workaround I made or any suggestion or comment you’d like to kick in =D

2 thoughts on “404 error when upgrading to WordPress 2.8

  1. hey there … i just upgraded two blogs to 2.8 and the only problem that i am facing is the podpress compatibility which i face everytime i upgrade
    i guess i’ll switch to another plugin …

  2. disable the plug-in and use the built-in upgrade function… if that didn’t happen, just download the wordpress 2.8 file and read its instructions…

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