Yellow Ring of Death!?

I was talking with one of my friends few hours ago while chilling in Cosy Cafe when he mentioned “Yellow Ring of Death” for the PS3…

Well, I didn’t buy it at the beginning and thought of googling it just for the kicks… Turned out there’s actually something similar…

It’s a yellow light that indicates that the system is overheating and its going to shut down so you don’t damage the hardware…

I’d call it “Yellow light of save” since it saves you from overheating the console and damaging things inside…

All you have to do if you faced something similar is to turn it off and wait for it to cool down and provide a good circulation for the system (As in, don’t cover it and don’t put it in a tight room\space) for the system and things will get back to normal (Apposed to Xbox360 RROD which totally kills the system that will have hard time recovering it to it’s previous state)…

I know this will be one of the weirdest\weakest link I’ve ever provided, but check the Yahoo! Answers for more details

2 thoughts on “Yellow Ring of Death!?

  1. I have never heard of this, I only heard of the 360’s red creepy ring. I’m now playing RE5, afraid the yellow ring’d appear.

  2. No need to worry,

    My PS3 is always on whether playing COD5 or Folding@Home in advanced mode which literally abuses the system and it’s placed in my book shelve which have little empty room… I’ve been doing that for atleast a week and no issue at all…

    Even if the yellow light appeared I’ll just let it cool down (since it shuts down by itself when such an event occurs) then turn it on again (Maybe by rubbing it 😛 )

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