Blizzard made the joke in their website, China took it seriously… Remember kids: “INTERWEBZ IS A SERIOUS BUSINESS”
Some restaurant owner decided to make a WoW themed restaurant… Food looks great… No weirdly dressed waiters\waitress (Imagine a kid going inside seeing an ORC welcoming him 😛 )… WoW Drawings… WoW door… Oh noes!!!
I might actually consider going there IF I went to Beijin (ONLY IF)…
Here’s the CCTV video footage covering the place…
If something like this would happen in Kuwait, it would probably be one of the following:
* Call of Duty (As I call it Juty)
* Travian
* Winning Eleven or Pro Evo Soccer thingy (Which we call it “Al-Dawri Al-Yabany 😛 )
* Grand Theft Auto
* Need for Speed
* Metal Gear Solid
* Guitar Hero (Though Extremist Islamist will go nuts and chaos some headache)
And the list goes on 😛
Anyways… Here’s the links:
Click here to read the SK-Gaming article
Click here to read the CCTV article
Dude, dragon showed this to me a long time ago XD
i read the news before you post it…
so, they will make restaurant about terrorist and navy? no or make a restaurant about German and Americans? no
as for the Winning Eleven, ako restaurants for soccer!!
i prefer Sukoden II restaurant
this might be old news to you, but it is new news to me 😛
if you mean Planet Football Cafe, it’s NOTHING like FIFA an Winning Eleven… it’s just a soccer restaurant…
hmmm… I’ve got a better idea… Imagen a restaurant… A whole restaurant as… Na… you know what let me say it… here it comes… a SUDOKU RESTAURANT!!