VirtualBox on Ubuntu…

I’ve been using Microsoft’s Virtual PC for a while which is satisfying… But I felt like trying a Virtual Machine software under Linux… And found VirtualBox for Ubuntu…

Its good… Has built-in NATing so you don’t really have to mess around with your network’s settings and all…

This post is a quick explaination, I’ll write a detailed one later on…


All you have to do is open your termenal and write “sudo apt-get install virtualbox virtualbox-ose-modules-[KERNEL_ID]-generic” without the “” ofcourse… And change the [KERNEL_ID} with the kernel version you’re going to install (2.6.22-14 for example) without the [ ] ofcourse… It’ll ask for the password so just write it in and wait for it to install…

After you finish this step, you need to change the owner of “/dev/vboxdrv” so you don’t really have to run sudo everytime you need to run VirtualBox… You can do it by writing “sudo chown [USERNAME] /dev/vboxdrv” and replace [USERNAME] with your Ubuntu’s username… And ofcourse no “”…

Now you’re all set… Just run the software (Which I find it in Applications->System Tools->VirtualBox OSD orwhatever”)

I hope you figure out the rest when you run the software… Just click on “New” button on the top left and go with the flow… You can set the RAM it’ll be using, storage it’ll need, fixed or dynamic storage, mount an ISO image in the CD drive and the network type…

You’ll need to kick an OS CD inside (Ubuntu, Windows, OSX or whatever) or download an ISO image off the internet (recommending legal stuff…)

Stay tuned for the detailed version of this tutorial… For questions, suggestions, comments or any remark, please visit the forum and let me know… I’ll be more than happy to get back to you =D

Special thanks to SIGTERMer for notifying me about the kernel dependant package thingy

10 thoughts on “VirtualBox on Ubuntu…

  1. nice, good job /*i don’t think needs further editing but noobs will commit suicide and why the .. should we manually change the permissions it should be done automatically // no problem with me but big problem for noobs */

  2. here’s what I used to do before chowning:
    1 run terminal
    2 write “sudo bash”
    3 fill in my password
    4 write “virtualbox”

    and it can be done like this:
    1 run terminal
    2 write “sudo virtualbox”
    3 fill in my password

    but that always bugs me… so chowning solved it for me so i could run it under my username without sudoing

  3. oh you mean sun microsystems? c’mon give’em a break… they did good job virtualizing complex stuff like this y’know…

    the chown thingy is a quick remedy i came up with… i’m sure there’s a proper way to do it…

    actually doing so gives people some time to think “how to solve such small issue” which took me like 5~10 minutes to figure (yes… I suck at linux)

  4. no, not sun. they’re good /*i don’t know what to do without open Office*/ i’m blaming the dude who put it together, the one who created the package and added it to the repository! he could have written a simple shell script that would spare us the overhead

  5. yo! i was just trying to install the thing on my pc… but your howto needs some “adjustments”:
    1) need to install kernel dependent package or thing will NOT WORK
    sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose-modules-[KERNEL_ID]-generic
    2) use sudo.. don’t tamper with permissions or it’ll come back and bite you…

  6. 1) fixed
    2) i wrote the “sudo chown” so you dont have to “sudo virtualbox” everytime you want to run virtualbox… well thats how i want it to be and its running good with me so far

  7. just a note: the kernel dependent package depends on the kernel (duh) so if you are using 2.6.24-21 and you installed the module for that kernel, you wont be able to run vb if you update your kernel to *-22. you will have to install a module package for your new kernel.
    that or select you old kernel from grub 🙂

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