I’m still a n00B photographer but I’m trying to (re)gain skills with my so-limited normal 5 MegaPixel Digital Camera…
Took some pictures of Kuwait Trading Tower in Sharq while its being under construction… I’ve always wanted to take pictures of it and today I just did… Though my timing wasn’t right… I should’ve waited abit longer and get some sun reflection of it >,<
Click Here to see the Album in My Gallery…
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Here’s the two pictures… Please forgive me for disturbing your eyes… Well, atleast I’m trying something nice and creative…
u maybe a noob but atleast ur still trying to increase ur points to go from noob to NOT noob 😛 and yea umm.. geekguy 😛 nice theme …thanks for taking my advice xP
well i thought of changing things a bit… i’ll be switching themes every now and then
Nice nice.. i like.
Those are the photos you wanted to me to see, yea ?
Ace approves.