I know I shouldn’t be posting videos. But this just made me snore in public! X”D
I know I shouldn’t be posting videos. But this just made me snore in public! X”D
YouTUBE is such a weird place to discover interesting stuff from lolcats to really REALLY mind blowing stuff (I don’t mean shooting zombies in the head… Actually, thats one too!) Anyway, I stumbled upon Veritasium YouTUBE channel which actually made […]
Unfortunately, this is not available in English neither feel like subtitling it in English. So yea… I swear, I laughed like a lunatic! I don’t usually share short videos or do really REALLY small posts, but this worth posting. Thanks […]
Y’know, walking in the Avenues minding my own business and then I pass by “Fantasy World” and suddenly my memory fades away and I forget everything between getting in and getting out of “Fantasy World”!… Yes, I love toys that […]
Yesterday, MBHKewl tweeted this and destroyed me! I couldn’t sleep for a good half hour because I was laughing like an idiot! Bear with the first few because it’s just, well, VEGAN BLACK METAL CHEF repeatedly, but once he starts […]
Just so you know, I have one of the uncommonest (Apparently, uncommonest is a word… At least to my spell checker :P) names in Kuwait; “Dherar ضرار”. This story happened in my first few months when I actually started to […]
I’m… Speechless… Words can’t express the awesome! It’s even more viral than Trololo on singstar\rock band!! And to make it even worst, focus on the background; the characters actually sing “nom nom”!!
A friend of mine sent me a video a month or two ago and I just saw it now. It really made my day go funny xD It’s basically an iPad 2 review where the guy goes… Y’know what? You […]
A friend of mine tweeted an Amazon link of a Sigma lens. You know how Amazon goes; they add preview pictures and stuff. This time, the pictures aren’t just your average product-related pictures. They’re just too much to see xD […]
Oh man, this is just funny… According to Sophos, BlackHole RAT trojan have been reconfigured to run on Mac OS. It’s an old trojan, still in progress and in experiment stages, but this damn thing can do fun things like […]