See? That’s what I’ve been telling people since forever!!!

Alot would jump and say “Atleast it’s not as vulnerable as Windows” or “Use Linux, it’s the safest”… But this post demonstrates what I’ve been telling people since forever; Mac will become more vulnerable by time…

Well, Brain Mastenbrook found an RSS vulnerability in OS X (OS SUX) an Safari for both Windows’n’Mac that could allow hackers to gain sensitive data… And by that, I’m talking about emails, passwords and cookies (I crave!!)…

He suggests a workaround for Mac and suggest Safari PC users to stay away from Safari for the time being…

I’ll quote something from PC AUTHORITY:

he says that people using OS X 10.5 are vulnerable no matter what browser they are using and PC users are at risk if using the Safari browser

Curious? Read the PC AUTHORITY post for more details.

2 thoughts on “See? That’s what I’ve been telling people since forever!!!

  1. Let the hackers take my email and my blog. I can always get another one. Let them hack into my files and take my football videos, automotive comparisons, school schedule, torrents, MP3s, and around 20 images. If they don’t get them from me they would probably find them everywhere on the internet.

    My point is, even if I was working on a 386 with thousands of open ports operating on the crappiest OS in the whole world, I’d still be using it because simple I’m used to it and actually like it.

    So once again let them take all, I have nothing to loose.
    Five years using OS X and I cannot complain. I simply enjoy the experience. 🙂

  2. You can stick to whatever OS you like if you actually like it, I’m totally not against that…

    If you like Mac go with it, if you like Windows go for it, if you like Linux go for it and that applies to every other OS…

    This post is aimed for those who claims that Mac OS Sucks is unhackable and other stuff…

    Beside, emails, passwords and cookies are nothing but examples… A hacker could steal your credit card if you saved it in your Mac OS Sucks… If that wouldn’t matter to you then GIVE ME YOUR CREDIT CARD DETAILS!!! I WANNA ORDER MIRROR’S EDGE!!!

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