So I thought of ordering a cheap fisheye lens. Amazon-ed a bit and found this lens.
When I placed the order, I found a 7mm Rokinon lens and I went FUUUUUUUUUUUUU for few minutes… Anyway, I’m not regretting buying this lens.
I still didn’t master my new Sony a55 because there are so many things to do such as 3D Panorama, 10fps burst, GPS, clear screen and gyroscopes of some sort 😛
Not gonna bore you with Sony a55 because I’m thinking of having a dedicated post for that (Anyone with Canon 550D to help?)
So anyway, what I liked in this lens is the curvy results I get. What I hated in this lens is that, well, there’s no aperture or focus control from the camera. Which means you can only control’em manually by scrolling the focus and aperture thingies (Pretty much like any old camera\lens).
Anyway, here are some unprocessed results:
In the 3 shots above, you can see me wearing a Domokun tshirt. I purposely took these pictures to show the angle it can squeeze and that IS a very fun angle to squeeze!
Here are some shots I’ve taken which received some heavy process (And dust too… Dust loves me)
And of course, this is how the camera was set:
And here’s a video showing the whole thang!
Long story short; Fisheye lens for ~100KD (Shipped to ARAMEX box) is not a bad deal at all!
wow man! it’s really something, loved the amazing result, and you pretty much took an astonishing shots too!
I like. Nice shots.
NICE lens im thinking to take one thanx for the review
Only if you’re using it as a temporary lens. It sucks at night 🙁