Random stuff on what happened yesterday…

Well, yesterday was my 24th birthday and all… There’s some interesting stuff that happened; bads and goods as well…

I realized that I don’t really care as much as I thought I cared about it… And I realized that my friends cared about it and kinda treated me better because “I’m the birthday boy” 😛

Me’n’Basil went to celebrate it the Engineering way; CAR JUNKYAARD!!… He went to buy some Oil Chiller for his Mercedes and just take few spins there… To him, Junkyard is home (Well, he’s a mechanical guy)…

Me, Basil, Bader and Dragos went later at night to celebrate it the Kuwaiti way; SMICHING (Fishing)… We totally got off time and we’re so late and all but we enjoyed it… We only caught one small useless fish though…

We went to Souk Sharq’s fish market to buy bait and all. And there, I realized that most of the people who work there (Or sell stuff) wouldn’t mind snapping pictures of them… In fact, they want it… Which made me conclude that people (In general) wouldn’t mind having pictures of’em taken as long as you let them know or ask them (And usually it depends on their mood and how you tell them)…

Things didn’t go the way I expected (I thought things would go hyper and all) but weren’t bad as well…

Though the only bad thing that happened is that my mobile’s battery died and diverting calls wasn’t proper… So mom thought there’s something wrong happened when I came home late (And yes, there’s always a military court when something like this happens) and I missed few important calls…

Overall, the day was great =D

I had fun and all [Though I felt like an asshole for some private reason(s)]…

Here’s two pictures I snapped yesterday while buying bait and fishing:

Fishing 02: We only caught one small fish :P

Fishing 01: Buying baits

2 thoughts on “Random stuff on what happened yesterday…

  1. Kel 3am went eb 5air!

    Awesome pictures!

    Military court? LOL! Been there! When the serious stuff started at college (Engineering) I had to stay up with friends working on the projects up to 3 AM. Mom wouldn’t stop calling and yelling!!

    She got used to it eventually, thankfully.

    Good luck with yours! (Maybe in your 25th birthday? :p)

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