I know it’s been a while since I last time blogged something… But photography took over me for a while… So here we go…
The picture kinda explains everything…
Sony got plans to support 3D gaming and blu-ray movies…
Good things are:
* Backward compatibility with 2D games
* The console can handle such thing with ease… So it’s nothing but a firmware update
* It’ll be coming in 2009 hopefully…
I should’ve kept my old 3D paper glasses that I got from one of those Kellog’s Cornflakes boxes (15 years ago… Might be more)… But hey, I got another solution; BUY THE RED AND YELLOW COWS SWEETS THAT I USUALLY GET FOR GERGE3AN!!!… I think I’ll steal some from my niece or something 😛
Cool thing, nice thinking Sony! I think it’ll be great!!!
BTW, you made me laugh so hard when i read “RED AND YELLOW COWS SWEETS”, but as il-ma9arwa says it, na’9rya bar’9oo!!
well yellow’n’red wouldn’t work… it probably gotta be red’n’blue 😛