Here’s an interesting Hackaday post.
In the Hackaday post, they provided a link to Wired’s “How to install OSX on eeePC”…
But as cool as this goes, there are alot of issues unsolved. Like the Special Buttons (brightness and mute), Ethernet and Flash Support… But hey, atleast the WiFi works under 3rd-party drivers…
This might not be as cool as Mark’s OSX on MSI Wind… But atleast it IS cool…
Here’s the Hackaday Link.
Here’s the WIRED instructions.
OSX honestly! who needs it.
Its just a BSD halfbreed with a KDE ripoff.
its always fun to mess around with stuff y’know =.=
Dude, linux can out preform a pethetic os like OSX… no Offence.
want to mess around? try linux!
none taken… I’m no mac fanboy as well… I hate it with passion fruit…
I’ve used Ubuntu for a while and I quite like it…
I just liked the idea that someone actually shoved OSX in eeePC…
good to hear that. by the way, can you get the eeePc in kuwait?
yea its in alghanim electronics, eurika and hawalli computer stores
you’re welcome n_n
cool i might give it a try soon 🙂
i kinda regret sharing this… everyone now will turn to a mac fanboy\girl >_<