i was browsing Ubuntu forums when this discussion that caught my attention…

basicly, sun’s chief executive wrote this in his blog:
“auction’s afoot…to see who we’ll be partnering with us to integrate their business and brands into our binary product distribution” of OpenOffice … I know this annoys my friends in the free software community, ” /*NO SHIT!*/ “but branding allows us to invest more in OpenOffice.org community and features, from which everyone benefits.”
little to say, i wasn’t the only one outraged, some talked about starting there own branch, while others threatened to remove the adds (sense it is opensource) and re-release it as soon as it is released.
i hope they don’t go through with there plans, or i, and thulsnds of other openoffice users, have to search and migrate to other office suites.
here is the link to the site, and this is the link to the discussion on Ubuntu forums