If you recall my post about How red color could effect a judge’s decision, you’ll probably like this one…
A study suggests that women in red drives men crazy…
Andrew Elliot, a psychology professor of the University of Rochester in Rochester, led the study.
Here’s how the study went like:
More than 100 college undergraduate students were shown pictures of women in red and asked about attractiveness, kindness and other stuff…
The answers were like, they were sexually attracted to those with red dresses or with red frames than the rest (HORNY BASTARDS!!)… Though the color didn’t affect the way they think about kindness and other factors…
The funny thing is, the undergraduate guys were asked how much would they spend if they had $100 and dated one of the women with red thingies… And the answer was “more than that!”…
Now I just sketched a strategy for girls to actually start professionally gold digging guys =P specially since we have a financial crisis running here in Kuwait…
Just kidding… I hope you actually use such hint for good plans… And guys, becareful…
Anyways… Here’s the REUTERS link.
Red gets attention! 🙂
specially bulls attention =P