Microsoft’s “Pink”?

Alright, my mind is on confusion…


Anyways, according to PC AUTHORITY, Microsoft is developing somekinda multimedia mobile phone with the codename ‘Pink’.

The phone would be manufactured by third-party (PC AUTHORITY thought of HTC considering close relationships) under Windows Mobile OS…

Now, I’m confused about the name… C’mon, ‘PINK’!?

I would literally feel gay if I used that phone… As gay as, ummm, pink iPod?

But then again, Windows 7 had a codename which changed… So does Windows Vista… So I hope they change the name to something else…

The good thing is that, not alot of people likes Microsoft here in Kuwait so it won’t be such a trend (BlackBerry and iPhone)… So I’ll enjoy using this phone whenever it’s released…

More details can be found in the PC AUTHORITY article.

2 thoughts on “Microsoft’s “Pink”?

  1. lol….so u finally decided that you’ll become gay……we raised you so well I don’t know what was the mistake that turned you into gay I really thought you would be straight this time.

  2. 1) You didn’t raise me, the wolves did
    2) There’s always an airbrush that could color the cover… Or silicon cover as well 😛

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