Mc Worm

I just wanted to say that I am so glad that I haven’t touched fastfood restaurants (namely Mc Donalds ) for a long time. Not long I have received a note from a friend to join a Facebook group called “McDonalds Kuwait”. I thought the name of the group was just going to be another Mc D’s fan group. But it turns out that the person who has created the group has faced a serious, sick and disgusting health hazard from Mc Donald’s. Believe it or not the burger he was about to eat carried a WHITE WORM! Here is a quote from him from the Facebook group “The black and white worm is a meet worm. not vege worm. mooo doodat khas ya3ni. doodat la7aaaaam.”

That said, it’s pretty clear that the meat is tainted. Hell beyond even. I know Mc Donald’s is supposed to carry this super ultra high clean rate. However, this incident just proves that they do not. In fact, this is not the first story I’ve heard on white worms appearing in a Mc Donald’s burger this year. Has the Mc Donald’s clean rate gone from a 10 to a sudden drop to zero?

Here is a tip. You can either stay away from Mc Donald’s for a while until they get their act together or make the sacrifice by checking every meal that you order from them in front the staff at all times. Otherwise don’t risk it, you’ll just end up in the hospital with a drip sack next to you.

Warning: Below is a video of the Mc Worm incident. Don’t watch if you have a weak stomach.

Source and photos: Mc Worm


Just received an official quote from H Al Rifai (the person who has faced the Mc Donald’s food disaster)

Thursday night, 11pm Mcdonald’s Salem almubarak street.. the one above johnny rockets.. in a McChicken Sandwich :/ it was inside.. put i pulled the latus to a side to take the photos.. and its a meat worm;/ my good luck is that i wanted to add some ketchub in the sandwich thats why i opened it.

8 thoughts on “Mc Worm

  1. Had a McDanald’s Big n Tasty a year and a half ago and never had fast food ever since.

    Why? Because that sandwich made me sick by something the doctors called Guillain barre, thank god I recovered thanks for Ibn Sina Doctors.

    read about it here

    Yes, eating from McDonald can paralyze you!!!!!

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