Make use of your Computer’s Idle Process…

My friends and I have been doing this for a long time…

Folding@Home, a Stanford’s project that makes use of your Idle Process to fold proteins by running their software…

The software downloads a work package, disconnects to start proccessing it then sends the results back… No provacy compromising or whatever…

There’s a CPU and GPU versions… And there’s Windows, Linux, PS3 and MAC versions as well…

It’s fun actually, you could start a team and work together with your friends and track your progress… My friends and I started a group called “Kuwait Folders” by the number “53527” and we’re still going on folding stuff…

Just keep in mind that when you do this, you’re participating in curing some serious deseases…

For more details, Check the Folding@Home website…

And please, if you’re planning on starting folding stuff, please, join our group (write the group number while once you start the software for the first time)… At the very least, lets keep the name “Kuwait” raise there…

2 thoughts on “Make use of your Computer’s Idle Process…

  1. PS3’s folding is better than most of PCs… and looks much prettier… Join our group =P

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