I don’t know if I should hate Mac for this crappy wheel or just hate Mac for this crappy wheel crap!!
I seriously hate such useless inventions and concepts…
Think about it; it takes atleast 28 step to move from “Z” to “P” in that wheel thingy (Not counting numbers and other buttons) which, lets say, takes 3 seconds while you can use your left pinky to press “Z” and the right pinky to press “P”. That would take less than a second!! (Ofcourse it’ll take more than 10 seconds if you totally DONT KNOW HOW TO USE A KEYBOARD!!!
45 minutes to send an email? 45 minutes? A boring college class doesn’t take that long…
And it costs
It MIGHT be a good thing for browsing, maybe searching, playing and stuff. BUT TOTALLY NOT AS A KEYBOARD SUBSTITUTE !!!
Here’s what I think proves most Mac user’s blind idiotic stupidity:
* “I’ll buy almost anything if it’s shiny and made by Apple”
* “I never really realized how nuch I hated keybroads untill I saw this thing.”
* The guy who stood for 45 minutes writing an email (Get a life!)
* The 8 GB of that piece of crap worth $2,599 and the 40GB worth $9,960
Too much to laugh about… But the two quotes there are REALLY idiotic and proves nothing but the user’s stupidity!!
And I’m sure it’ll be a BIG BIG BIG hit here in Kuwait just because it’s a new thing from Apple -_-;
No thank you… You keep your huge useless button for you to struggle writing an email for 5 minutes (Saying you’re a fast circle scratcher like a DJ)… I’ll keep using my normal keyboard to write an email in less than 1 minute… Then use the 4 minutes left to do something else (Maybe pick my nose)
Click here to read the Engadget post (And comments)
dude! it’s a joke.. as in NOT REAL!
come on, seriously! who would buy a laptop that lasts “a full 19 min. when charged”!
it’s albet early for april, don’t you think?
Lol Idiot..its from the onion. its satire!
i wanted to warn you, but yeah..
you shouldn’t believe things on the internet that easily 😛
anybody read the ticker at the bottom?
“Study finds Horseback riding just an expensive form of sitting”
Well dont blame the guy.. Mac DOES have a shit load of useless shits.