Killzone Helghast Sniper Figurine

I have a portable studio and I’ve never used it. And I have this figurine and never played with it.

So by common sense, I’m supposed to add’em together in a session. Well, I just did (Practicing and trying the studio thing for the first time in my life).

I realized later on that the figurine was dusty (I haven’t dusted my room for the longest time) and all so I’m sorry for the bad results:
Killzone 3 Sniper 1

Killzone 3 Sniper 2

Killzone 3 Sniper 4

Killzone 3 Sniper 5

Killzone 3 Sniper 6

Killzone 3 Sniper 7

I’d also like to know that next week, me and a bunch of photographers are going for an epic and extremely exclusive session. I will give details pretty soon :3

One thought on “Killzone Helghast Sniper Figurine

  1. The 3rd one is nice and the 4th seems like it’s crippled freak!

    Though why using a white backdrop with a white figure? Wouldn’t a backdrop of another color be better in this case?

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